

Pakistan is a land of colors, beauty, and talent. Life here exists in its natural atmosphere, providing great exposure to the withering mood of our mother nature. Being a painter, I love to live and work over here, striving to represent the true picture of this historic land. I have absorbed the beauty of this land on the canvas of my imagination. Poverty and the hardships in life boost up my spirit to do better work. I take pride in being an ingredient and an identity of this great Pakistan. How lovely it is for a painter to live and paint without social discrimination based on language, religion, and region. More or less, all forms of art communicate a message but a painting done with the purity of heart and soul can move this world emotionally and psychologically. I feel love, peace, and harmony in this romantic and classical dance of natural splendors; songs of the nightingale in spring, whispering breeze of summer, calm weather of winter, and withering colors of autumn. What a wonderful piece of land on the face of earth where human beings are struggling for bread and butter; imposing wars on other nations in the name of peace and are fooling others, if not their selves, by achieving their materialistic goals. When the tiny strokes painted from an inspired brush are blended into one another, in the form of several layers, you see the true picture of Pakistan.

My paintings are a representation of life, passion, and pure excitement that can penetrate through your heart. I believe it is a right to enjoy this world and it is a right to love God because He created it. I constantly look for beauty, love, and harmony around me in this city of gardens, Lahore. Nature smiles at me when I pass by. She smiles at everyone who passes by her. Unlike humans, she does not practice discrimination, which is exactly why I believe she deserves to be the subject of my canvases. All in all, love nature, life and give open-hearted expressions to your emotions, whatever fields of life you are in.

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