
The proximity of calligraphy and miniature art is an integral part of our traditional artistic heritage. This art form encompasses intricacy, precision, and the pursuit of knowledge. The beauty, delicacy, and the sense conveyed through calligraphy deeply affect me. Calligraphy, in its unique and distinct form, holds a sublime position as a divine manifestation. I have undertaken the practice of Nastaliq script in my work through consistent effort and practice.

I am influenced by the personalities and poetry of mystics, much like Iqbal. Just as understanding Iqbal’s philosophical poems requires repeated readings, decoding the rules within my work also demands thorough engagement. I hold the moment of artistic creation in high regard. In my work, I strive to incorporate the essence of mysticism, attempting to depict the spiritual journey within the realm of my creations.

Sufism, as reflected in the philosophical thoughts, is closely connected to religious beliefs, forming an inherent relationship between religion and mysticism. Sufism not only comprehends the presence of the divine but is inherently a spiritual journey that unfolds on a mandatory path. Walking this path that leads to the essence of God is what Sufism defines. Just as Iqbal uses certain terms that require repeated reflection on mathematics, I find that certain emotions need to be expressed repeatedly through words.

While practicing the art of words, I experience a profound inner delight.

Artist(s) Featured

Qasim Bugti




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