

Afroz’s work revolves around Ehd, Wafa and Ishq. These are the fundamental principles and ethics of the human condition by which we all abide. The framework of these ethics is the essence of her work, “Sabaq Purana”; the oldest and most important lesson for humanity. It is a lesson Afroz strives to impart to her students even now.

In the art of Meher Afroz , poetics and politics are woven seamlessly to create narratives of her time. Her cultural DNA connects her to Lucknow’s genteel legacy and has remained an integral part of her aesthetic. Her work frequently embraces diverse mediums: metal, wood, handmade paper, gold foil and fabric but tactility and meticulously worked and re-worked surfaces are a constant in her practice that spans almost half a century. Renowned as a printmaker and painter, her work is in prominent collections worldwide and she is the recipient of the Pride of Performance by the government of Pakistan in 2015.

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