

Jimmy Engineer is a multi-layered artist. His art is not confined to images on canvas as his canvas extends far beyond all that is material. He prefers to be acknowledged as a simple mortal who cares for the human kingdom with a passion.

Born on 13 August 1954 in Balochistan, Pakistan, his Parsi family could not have known then that he would grow up to break all barriers of caste and creed and truly define multi-ethnicity through his art and altruism.

It was in 1976 that he turned into a professional painter but his achievements went much beyond his artist’s creativity when he discovered a deep love for all his fellow beings, specially for the downtrodden. His art pieces soon became expressions of truth and his images began to speak of his compassion for the people he saw.

Although an artist by profession, Jimmy Engineer’s life has revolved around supporting troubled individuals as well as social work institutions, though he himself prefers to remain undocumented and unsung. His works have never failed to captivate successive generations of art lovers in Pakistan and abroad. His paintings are in private collections in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Italy, London, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Russia, Holland, Spain, Germany, Dubai, Jordan, India, China, Philippine, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, USA, South Africa, Pakistan. In fact almost in every part of the world.

Artist and social worker Jimmy Engineer has received many awards and medals in his long illustrious career since 1976.

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